Thursday, January 5, 2012

Current State of Rock

Have you heard about the new fight for a new year? Drummer for the Black Keys, Patrick Carney, seems to be opening up a can of worms with Nickleback fans saying that the Canadian band is the cause for the decline of rock and roll music. ""Rock and roll is dying because people became OK with Nickelback being the biggest band in the world." True, the genre has been in a decline for the past little while, but there's no recreating bands like the Beatles, or the Who. I, for one, don't think that rock is in a downward sprial at all, but is definitely taking giant leaps in a different direction than before.

Take a read through the article from an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine. Carney does seem to go on and on bashing Nickleback, but I think he makes some good points. The world has seem to just accept this quartet that just recreates the same song, but with different words. Settling just doesn't seem acceptable when it comes to music, or art, for that matter. If there is no motivation to keep progressing, then where would we ever be with music now?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oh hey 2012

Are you ready to say goodbye to the year that was 2011? don't really have a choice. I wish I could have held on just a little longer; it was the year of the most concerts, shows, events for me thus far. But all good things must end. Now I'm just hoping that 2012 will be able to compare...

Maybe I should've posted the following just before last year (weird to say that isn't it?) was over, but I decided to postpone, so that I could also put up a portion of Sonic's annual year-in-review songlist created by Rick Lee.

We'll start with mine: